Monday, December 21, 2009

....I don't BLOG.....(you either.??)...well who does.? B-L-O-G...sounds like the CRITTER you'd

MORPH into, if you did CRACK...more than 7 times. ( advise--HOLD @ 6...with the rest

of us....)

Funny story...

I almost got myself SHOT(again..(later w/ dat..) ) a parking a 50th B-day party and reunion(for a lovely group of upper-lower-middle of the road ---very classy BLOOD-BROTHERS....from me old band-"HOOKER")....

...whilst attempting to get into SOME sort of Ol-TIME-mischief....with the only remaining pal-(ette) from the band-days...who might STILL attempt, to get high...if given the chance-----

....she and I...had "nada"- inkling....about.. even drugs anymore-(never mind OWNING any)............................BUT---set forth, INTO the hotel parking lot, in scenic-Florida...AWASH w/ doods of every ethnicity, who looked like they'd be: Hi-Pimpin in da Ghetto...Rollin an a' slingin' "D"---in da hood....

SO..there I go-
... I was gonna go gittle-whittle...some lo-caaaal...shizzz-nick.)!!!!!!!!!!(ya'll catchin my roll???Ya'll

------------Strolled on down w/ a $20-bill in my tellin WHAT I might get...

....Got my long leather coat on....tryin to shake-off, as much of my normal, "non-threat-vibe",as

.....walk up (as much like Clint Eastwood as I could).. to the FIRST BROTHER, in the parkin lot.
My man.. (just EX-ACTLY, like in the movies...) goes--

..."..what yo needs foo.."

.." I'm lookin for ...a "2" man...I'm from LA.",I whisper back, in a low-pitch.(there we go....bigger bag of ...WHATEVER, NOW...for sure..)

He hands-off--THE DOPE. (I'm thinkin'.. ) we go...a BIG bag of.......
"HEY, MOTHER FUCKSER....", he says thru his teeth..."dat 2-HUNDRED....not TWENNY.!!!!"

............Dammmmm...all variables of flee-ing my personna--

....All I could say...."I was thinkin dis be all FAT 'an shit......!?!"

1 comment:

  1. Dear Randii,
    love your new spelling of randy,

    Hey my girl friends asleep, (robin) lets all go
    in and fuck her!She hates it when I do that.

    Ha Ha guess who? Its Kenny from Vegas ya fucker,
    were ya been? have you talked to Myra? been looking for ya for a while.
    hows it going for ya bro?need any townhouses remodeled? Ha Ha.
    We miss and talk about you and our fun times all the time!!
    Well call me 702-997-6696 or e-me @ Vin man Vinny says Hi

    Love and miss ya sixxx
